Here we are going to discus about:
- Writing hello world avr program with C – GNU compiler
- Designing simple hellow world circuit with Proteus
- Blinking led with simple C scripting and delay() functions
As we know how to compile C/C++ avr code on the previous article. Now
let's apply the method again to to make our hello-world program, it
is a simple blinking led program. here the explanation will be more
concerned about setting registers and gnu-avr features. beginning
from header file, main() function and _delay_ms() function, register
accessing, and a little bit about bitwise operations.
As always, a proteus application will be used as our simulation here
and also avr from GNU compiler to compile our code to generate hex
That's it!, just make a circuit like below in the proteus program
![]() |
Figure 1 atmega8535; PORTA.0 to the led |
Then type the program below on your favorite text editor:
#include <avr/io.h> //DDRA, PORTA
#include <util/delay.h> //_delay_ms()
//“main” function must exist
int main(){
//activate A register on the first bit
DDRA |= 0x01;
while(1){ //endless loop
//assign HIGH logic to its first bit of A Register, led turns on
PORTA |= 0x01;
//wait for 250 milli second
//assign LOW logic to its first bit of A Register, led turns off
PORTA &= ~0x01;
//wait for 250 milli second
//integer return type for our main function
return 0;
Then compile the above program (by previous artile method), and
insert the hex file having been generated into the MCU of proteus
simulation. Don't forget to set the CPU speed according to the speed
when we compile the program (-DF_CPU=2000000UL),
in this case, the clock speed is 2MHz.
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