In this session, the discussion emphasizes more on what the ‘object’ really means in term of code, without exploring about C++ feature, like overloading operator, constructor, friend member, etc.

When I firstly heard the term of Object Oriented Programming or simply called OOP, I had no idea what the “object” term actually means and what it does. What I knew that there’s just script on lines, there’s no “moving object”, or any other signs that looked like object that I usually saw in the real world.

So, what does “object-oriented” actually means? OOP is a programming style that associates with the concept of ‘class’ and ‘object’, simply meaning that we construct (declare) the object, while the class is its instance for the object declared. For clearer, suppose an ‘object’ were a building therefore a ‘class’ itself would be blue-print for that building. For example, if any architect wants to build the same building anywhere, just use that blue-print for the building to construct.

With the analogy above in mind, will it make sense when we see the building ‘object’ is just a word when facing scripting? It didn’t when I firstly learn OOP! But a long with time to go, I got it. Here with the simple example of adding ‘time’-object may make sense, especially for a beginner.
//instance for any object declared
//or blueprint  for any building
class Time{
 int hour;
 int minute;
 Time(int h,int m);
 Time operator+(const Time & t) const;
 friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Time & t);
Now we can construct (declare) any object with the instance (blue-print). As many object we declare as we want, the characteristic and features will be the same.
//construct the object
Time Lupy_waits{1,56}; //hour,minute;
Time Catty_waits{2,24};
//chek it
cout<<"Lupy: "<<Lupy_waits<<endl;
cout<<"Catty: "<<Catty_waits<<endl;
//add the objects
Time Total_waits = Lupy_waits + Catty_waits;
//see the result
cout<<"total time: "<<Total_waits<<endl;
The first line of the code, Luppy_waits object is constructed by Time instance with two arguments passed; hour and minute values. Like stated above.
The fifth ine, the shift-left bitwise operator ‘<<’ is used to display the content of the object. And finally for the line:
Time Total_waits = Lupy_waits + Catty_waits;
shows that the words Lupy_waits and Catty_waits act as if they were objects. On the code, I deliberately take the ‘+’ overloading operator to make clearer that the script e.g., “Lupy_waits” can be added visually like an object.

Finally the result is shown by ‘<<’ operator. The result would be like:
Lupy: 1 hours, 56 minutes
Catty: 2 hours, 24 minutes
total time: 4 hours, 20 minutes

here is the complete code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Time{
 int hour;
 int minute;
 Time(int h,int m);
 Time operator+(const Time & t) const;
 friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Time & t);

Time::Time(int h,int m)
 hour = h;
 minute = m;

Time Time::operator+(const Time & t) const
 Time sum;
 sum.minute = minute + t.minute;
 sum.hour = hour + t.hour + sum.minute / 60;
 sum.minute %= 60;
 return sum;

ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Time & t)
 os << t.hour << " hours, " << t.minute << " minutes";
 return os;

int main()
 Time Lupy_waits{1,56}; //hour,minute;
 Time Catty_waits{2,24};
 cout<<"Lupy: "<<Lupy_waits<<endl;
 cout<<"Catty: "<<Catty_waits<<endl;
 Time Total_waits = Lupy_waits + Catty_waits;
 cout<<"total time: "<<Total_waits<<endl;
 return 0;

That’s it, the object term means. I hope the example above can give you a visualization about object in code context. If you have any question relating to the OOP concept, please ask bellow. Thanks for reading!